5 Tips to Consider when Renovating
Whether you are renovating for the first time or with limited budget, we shared the following 5 fundamental tips to consider during home renovation.
1. Utilization - Who and How?
It's up most important to decide how is the area going to be used and by whom on a daily basis. Keep this in mind to allow you to determine the layout, functionality of the area, home appliances & fittings required and furnishing. Example: You may fix storage cabinets in the dedicated storage room with less attention paid to the furnishing, but do not skimp on the cabinet quality.
2. Make the Most out of Everything
If you are working with limited and restricted area, a well thought plan is required to ensure all the space are utilized properly without compromising functionality. Example: You do not need an island in a smallish kitchen! Not only it takes up most spaces, it gets in your way thus compromise the functionality.
3. Work Within Your Budget but With Big Inspiration
Everyone has their own preferences and inspiration, collect everything and anything that inspires you to create your own style. Example: If modern and minimalist sound right to you, go with furniture of simple design and of similar colour.
4. Define Your Must Have
Install fittings and furniture of high functional and practical in high traffic area such as kitchen and living room without compromising appearance. Work from must have items and start to build from there. Example: If you spend most of your time in the living room, ensure the chosen couch meets your comfort expectation, television installed without glaring effect and a suitably matched coffee table. After you are happy with the result you may add other fittings for a touch of luxury or cozy.
5. Texture & Colour
Colour and texture are the key elements that help to create the style, feel and mood of the area. You would want to choose the right combination of colours and textures in the bedroom to create a relax and cozy environment. The same combination may not be suitable in other areas, therefore apply the suitable colour and texture element for different areas.
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مميزاترولات سلوفان:
ReplyDeleteالشفافية العالية:
توفر مظهرًا جذابًا للمنتج، مما يساعد في تحسين العرض على الأرفف.
المرونة والمتانة:
تتحمل الشد والضغط دون التمزق بسهولة، مما يحمي المنتجات من التلف أثناء النقل.
مقاومة الرطوبة والهواء:
تحافظ على المنتجات من التعرض للرطوبة والملوثات الجوية، مما يطيل عمرها الافتراضي.
استخدامات خزانات الفايبر جلاس
ReplyDeleteالقطاع السكني
تستخدم في المنازل والمباني السكنية لتخزين المياه الصالحة للشرب.
القطاع الصناعي
تستخدم لتخزين المواد الكيميائية اغطية الصرف الصحي الصناعية المختلفة.
القطاع الزراعي
تستخدم لتخزين المياه المستخدمة في الري أو لتخزين الأسمدة السائلة.